Monumental Beginnings for Young Artists



Katie D. – Oil Pastel

Fill out this form if you would like to enroll in Cherry Court Studios’ Spring, 2025 Intensive Skill Development Online class. Each Saturday, students will receive individualized instructional packets, working a minimum of two hours per week for 17 weeks. Students will meet with the instructor once each week at a mutually agreed upon time to discuss progress. Virtual studio time will be 1:00 to 5:00 pm each Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 1 through June 1, 2025. During studio time, students are free to interact with the instructor through video chat, email, and phone.

Requirements for participating in Intensive Skill Development Online:

  • Students must have completed at least 12 Challenges in the Art Challenge program.
  • Students must have access to a computer and printer.
  • Students must have an Email address separate from parents for delivery of online instructional packets and Google Duo for video chatting.
  • Students must be able to email screenshots of work in progress.

Art supplies are factored into the cost of tuition. At the beginning of each semester, Miss M will have supplies delivered to each student’s home.


  • $320

Fill in the form below. When you click “Submit,” you will be redirected to PayPal for payment. Use your PayPal account, or pay with a credit card.



Price: $ 320.00
$ 0.00